Sunday, March 1, 2009

What Would It Look Like If.....

What Would It Look Like If.....

You went a whole day, week, month, year without gossiping about other people. No it never starts out with bad hear a story that is pretty interesting and you tell two of your friends, and those two friends tell two of their friends but the story changes a little bit. Pretty soon it's like a game of telephone gone bad. Think about the people that you are chatting about without having hard core facts..they are so hurt and betrayed because of the power of your tongue. We all do it--what would it look like for us to become more intentional about holding our tongue, taking our shoes off and putting the other persons shoes on regardless of the situation before you speak. Surely we have better things to discuss, right?

Every day we truly, wholeheartedly sought out who the Lord wanted us to be that day. I don't mean just a 39 second prayer about it I mean truly surrendering to who HE wants you to be. How He wants you to act, talk, work, etc. I have been thinking a lot lately because of some various real life situations about how we aren't always seeking out what the Lord wants us to be. We need to daily ask the Lord how He sees us and to confirm for us that our identity lies in Him and not the things of this world. I have also been thinking about how we take on things in our lives that maybe God never really desired for us to do......maybe some of our plates need cleaned off a little so that God can rejuvenate us and reteach us about who we are in Him.

We stopped asking people about what they don't have and focusing on what they do have. Multiple women have sat in my home lately and cried about their inability to have children of their own and how every time they turn around people are asking them when they are going to bear children and what they are waiting on and how that drives that wedge deeper into their hearts. Being single I am constantly bombarded with the question of when I'm going to find Mr. that really the cashier's position to ask that question to me--yes this really happened. We all have something in our lives that we long for so much but that God isn't ready to give us because it's not our time.......let's focus on what these people do have and not on what they don't have. We are all broken people and we all want something we can't have.....

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