Friday, March 13, 2009

Close to home....

My heart has gone out to everyone affected by the intense flooding this week--check out this article and you will have a better idea of what some people are going through. This road that collapsed is two roads behind my parents home and is the road where the kids died in the flooding last year. I went to high school with everyone that was involved in this accident and can't imagine what they are going through as a result. I have not been down to see the results of the flooding yet because most of the state roads are still impassable if you only have a car but my dad said that it's so much worse than last year and nearly every county road in the southern end of the county is closed and washed away. My parents lost most of their road and their driveway is gone as a result. My dad had so many scary stories the day that it he was driving to work the morning of the flooding a state road was so flooded that the fire dept. couldn't get through and a semi was stuck in took my dad several hours to get to work because there was no way out because all the roads were so flooded. I have been getting emails and phone calls all day to help sandbag here and in multiple other towns--my heart so goes out to everyone that has been affected.

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