Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Different Gifts

I love how we each are so unique and we each have very different gifts. This week I have been so grateful for people's different gifts and how it makes our society so unique. This morning I was particularly grateful for endocrinologists as I had my 5 month check in Fort Wayne. It is amazing to me that there are doctors who specialize in the endocrine system and can get it back where it needs to be! I am so grateful for such good medicine and medical services in this country!

Tonight I was grateful for interior designers......one thing I don't enjoy doing is picking paint colors! It's hard for me to envision if it will look good in my house vs. on the piece of paper. :) She was so awesome and we had it all figured out in no time flat! I am excited to see the finished product after they are done! I am also extremely grateful for painters! They are going to have the whole house done this weekend except for the kitchen which will be done next weekend because they have to strip wallpaper for that part....that's amazing to me that they can do it that fast!

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