Sunday, January 4, 2009

Some pics...

So here are a few pictures from this past Christmas break. As many of you know my Christmas break was not a 'break' for me this year and instead exhausting but thankfully there were a few times of normalcy. :) I am so so glad to go back to work tomorrow and get back into a normal routine. :)

One of my favorite Christmas gifts was a quilt that was made from my great-great aunts dresses and the quilt rack...I love it. I love things that have family value to them vs. the Target special. :)

One of my gifts to my family (every year I say I'm going to cut back on what I buy them but it never works out!) was a family photo. We went and had them done over Thanksgiving break and then everyone got an 8x10 and a 5x7 for their office. They turned out so well. My 8x10 is hung over my bed.

My birthday at Cerulean....great times....great friends!

Spending lots of quality time with my sister over break!

Spending time with Angela and Elissa and roadtripping with Angela in two weeks to visit Elissa at seminary in Kentucky!

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