Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Beginnings

I love learning/doing new things and it always seems like the beginning of the year is a good time to start some new things.

**Tonight I started going to Zumba class. Tons of my co-workers have been ranting and raving about this class for weeks now as it is being held in various elementary schools including my own multiple nights per week. I went tonight to a school like 20 seconds from my house and it was so fun. There were a ton of people there and it was surprisingly hard/fun.
**I bought an exercise DVD called 30 Day Shred from the Biggest Loser. I was mildly skeptical when I bought it if it was really worth it. I have never hurt so bad in my life...but it's a good hurt. It's my goal to do it on top of my regular workouts every day between now and my cruise. I am in pretty good shape but my body is by no means bathing suit ready. :)
**Some of my co-workers in my grade level and I all wanted to drink more water in general and less chai and pop. :) So far, so good.
**I'm beginning to learn how to knit........it's going to be a while before I'm a pro at that. :)
**My training for the mini marathon is coming along well......I really need to work on running more outside but it's so cold.
**One of my new year's goals was to start taking better care of my skin. I'm guilty of always just buying the Walgreen's special in terms of face wash and such. I have several family members who took amazing care of their skin from a young age and it shows because they still have the most beautiful skin. So my mom randomly bought me an skin care kit from Arbonne and it's amazing.....I already can notice a difference. The only problem is when I run out it's so expensive. :)
**I'm reading the book Crazy Love. At first, I wasn't that big of a fan but the more I get into it I think it's going to be really really good. I'm going to join my friend's book club next month in Fort Wayne. I have always wanted to be in a book club that was not for work but could never find one that met at night.......the best part is all the women in this group are around my age.
**In the past I have always had TMJ which is a jaw disorder and it has come back in full force, which is so annoying. I know how to deal with it on my own because insurance doesn't cover TMJ and there isn't much that can be done. I think that mine is stress induced and more than likely I grind or clench my teeth at night when I'm not aware of it. Needless to say, I've been eating a lot of soup this week....
**I'm going this weekend to Kentucky (hopefully this weather cooperates!) My best friend from high school and I are going to visit our friend who is in seminary. The town that the seminary is in is itty bitty.....in fact no franchised restaurants are allowed in the town. We are super excited to see her and are staying in what seems to be a really cute bed and breakfast considering the size of the town because we are not allowed to stay at the seminary, which is fine. In Kentucky they have "Movie Taverns" where it's dinner and a movie which we are definitely doing and in fact are going to see Bride Wars, which I'm really excited about!
**Next month I'm teaching a corporation wide workshop. It hit me today how big of a deal that is.......I have a lot of work to do for sure!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

I love Arbonne's Re9 line!!! I've been using it for about 2 years and am totally hooked!