Monday, November 17, 2008

Love It!!

The Lord has me in an intense season of growing/changing right now, which is always an interesting journey. We are always growing and changing whether we are seeking Christ or not and the road always looks different but it seems like the road I've been on lately is looking different all the time and quickly. About a year ago the Lord kept telling me over and over again to get ready because big changes were coming...of course I just assumed they would be changes that I would pick. But that wasn't the case at all......they were changes that I would have never dreamed of and half the time don't really want but that's because they don't fit in a neat little box with a bow on top. Sometimes I get into little stages where I'm not sure if I'm ready for all the changing and growing that the Lord is doing in me but then I'm reminded that He chose me specifically. Over the past year I have been getting little snippets/previews of what this is going to look like and it has been exciting and honestly scary. Last week it hit me that either I'm in or out and obviously chose in... I love when the Lord confirms so many things because sometimes I need confirmation desperately. Tonight a great friend of mine and I went to an amazing teaching, which I honestly didn't really want to go because it was long and I have a million things I need to get done this week and just have a lot going on but the Lord started on me at about 3 in the morning last night that I would be going. It was so cool to learn amazing new things but also to receive so many amazing confirmations. So many things that have been said to me from other people, prayed over me, revelations in scripture, dreams, etc. were exactly the same as things spoken tonight. Sometimes I just need that.... My favorite thing that I was reminded of tonight is that I'm not a banana but instead an onion.....that I have layers and layers of things in my life that I have to work through with the lord to get to the center that I can't just peel everything off in one try. That right now is a perfect reminder for my life and so amazing because I have had that visual lately a lot for other people going through some rough stuff. I never cease to be amazed by the Lord!!

1 comment:

Lena said...

He is truly amazing! And you are amazing too! I always love to hear your deep thoughts.