Monday, December 15, 2008

Making Every Moment Count....

So over the past few weeks I have really been reminded to make every moment count with everyone I love and to have no regrets. I feel like I have always lived my life like that but there can be times where I can find myself becoming a little selfish and especially over this last week I have remembered that it's not about me at all. Over the past day, a good friend of mine lost her precious grandmother to a battle with cancer and one of my best friends from high school tragically and suddenly lost her father to a blood clot and neither of them were there to say their final goodbyes. Today my grandmother was admitted to the hospital, which I knew would happen within the next few days but still hit me like a train... She has congestive heart failure and the main reason for having her admitted right now is to drain all the fluids out of her because she's carrying at least twenty pounds of water. We had our family Christmas on that side of the family last weekend and I am so glad that we were able to get that in before this process started. She obviously didn't feel well during it but she was a trooper. I think my fondest memory of it was after we were done opening Christmas presents I was sitting beside her on a couch and I told her how amazing of a grandmother she was and all the life lessons that her and granddad taught us. She of course said they had no idea what they were doing as grandparents but we remininisced about a few memories from the past. Grandma and I have a lot of memories because we have always been close and we have always done so much together. She always taught me that she didn't care what I did in life but to have no regrets in life and I certainly have no regrets about my relationship with my grandparents.

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