Saturday, October 3, 2009

Driving time...

Does anyone have any good recommendations of good quality things to listen to while driving besides music? Good podcasts that they have enjoyed? CD's? Books on tape? I'm really open to lots of suggestions...

I find myself driving a lot these days for a lot of reasons. One is because my boyfriend lives an hour away, I've been going to see my family a lot too which all require a great amount of driving. I find myself driving at weird times of night and feel like it's easy for me to 'waste' that time. I would love to find something worthwhile for my mind to feed on during that time because that time my thoughts usually get the best of me and cause me to worry about all sorts of things. I will be driving a lot more here in the nearest future as my boyfriend coaches high school basketball and I will be driving to lots of high school basketball games in northern Indiana.

Thoughts/suggestions? Because I'm just about sick of the radio........

1 comment:

Lena said...

I have The Time Traveler's Wife, if you feel like listening to a fiction book.
Greg has some business and economy books, that are pretty interesting.