Saturday, June 6, 2009

The End of Another Year!

This week we wrapped up the end of another school year! It was a crazy few days mostly because the weather wasn't very cooperative but we finished it out and now all my kiddos are 6th graders! They have grown up a lot this year...I will definitely miss them but I'm excited for them to move onto 6th grade. I am excited about next year's class....I have had them once. I saw my initial class list a few days ago and they did a good job of giving me a new mixture of kids from what I had previously. There were some parent requests that were honored so I'll have some of the kiddos again but the rest are new faces so that's fun. Next year my team is going to pilot doing some new things to see how it works so I'll pretty much have all the 5th graders at some point in the day. I like that though!

The way calendars fell I pretty much had to switch gears right away. It's been crazy. I tore down my room on Wednesday during our staff work day and packed 1/3 of my room into suitcases to move over to Edgewood for round one of summer school. I am teaching 4th grade summer school for the ESL department and have over 30 kiddos. I'm excited about it--summer school is going to be really different this year than in prior year for a multitude of reasons but it's always good.

Overall, it's going to be a way busy/but way fun summer. I'm taking two classes through Ball State right now. One of which is ridiculously difficult....I have lost a lot of sleep over it. I'll probably be glad when that particular class is over! Next week I have a lot due in it but fortunately I'll have part of my afternoons to just work on it.

Here's a glimpse of what I'm doing this summer:

Moving my sister and her roomie to a new apartment--check!
Going to a Tin Caps baseball game in Fort Wayne--check!--Did that last night!
Going to a Rascal Flatts concert--today!
Going to various other concerts!
Teaching summer school at Warsaw
Teaching middle school summer school at Valley
Writing curriculum for my school corporation for one week in July
Judging some 4-H fairs
Visiting people--a friend from Kentucky came to visit me yesterday--it was glorious!
Running several 5K's and 10K's
Possibly doing a team triathlon--TBD
Start training for the Fort Wayne Half Marathon
Fun Weddings!
Hanging out on the lakes with friends and family
Spending as much time as I can with my Grandma
Finishing my Ball State classes
Traveling to Texas with my friend Laura for a few days to visit Rachelle
Going bridesmaid dress shopping
Playing cornhole--I am currently having Purdue cornhole boards made for me--exciting! :)
Possibly going to Florida for a few days in an extended weekend

1 comment:

AllisonTheeonn said...

Hi friend! I was reading your list and you have an exciting summer ahead! But skydiving? This is me very jealous! I know I shouldn't be, but I am!